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Inside IComm: Meet Martin Vella

July 26, 2023 | by IComm Australia

We have many talented (and very interesting) people working at Icomm. So much so, that we have decided to write a blog series called ‘Inside Icomm: Meet the Team’. In this edition, we introduce Martin Vella.

Who are you, and what do you do at IComm? 

My name is Martin Vella and I am a Customer Success Manager. 

How long have you been here now?

2 and a half years.

What was your first job? 

Coles stock boy.

If you could switch roles with one other IComm employee for the day, who would it be and why? 

Dan Poli as I love the energy he puts out during his training sessions and would love that confidence in the real world. Plus he is much taller than I am.

What’s the most unique hobby/skill/talent you have outside of work? 

I have been playing Squash for around 20 years and have enough Funko Pop Vinyl’s in my home to open a store.

Can you give us a rundown of your biggest achievement at IComm? 

Completed my ITIL Certification earlier this year.  After not doing any exams for over 20 years, this stressed me out massively. 

What’s your favourite part of working here? 

I love the people I work with.  That’s what keeps me in the job more than anything.

If you were trying to really impress us, what would you cook me for dinner? 

If I knew how to cook, I would be able to answer this question with ease.

Do you have a ‘can’t live without it’ piece of tech? 

Sad to say my phone.  Or my new 75” TV.  Or my PS5…  Come back to me on this one…

About The Author

IComm Australia

IComm Australia

IComm Australia is a leader in Unified Communications. A Gold Partner with Microsoft, Telstra, Poly, & Jabra, we excel at INTEGRATION between the various ecosystems within the Unified Comms/Microsoft world. We are passionate about enabling organisations to look to the FUTURE and adapt to The Modern Workplace. Follow us on: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram

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July 26, 2023 | by IComm Australia

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