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Why is user training for Microsoft 365 applications important for your business?

May 16, 2023 | by Dan Polifiore

Rapid advances in work from home have completely altered how we used technology in the workplace.

It’s been a wild ride these past few years, hasn’t it? Thanks to COVID, we’ve all become experts in remote work and rely heavily on apps like Teams and other Microsoft 365 applications. 

It has become so burned into our lives that my dog has a ‘Pavlovian’ response to the Teams ringtone, and knows to get out of the room when he hears it.

Even my 8-year-old son knows how to join meetings and send files. Yet many businesses have employees who don’t know how to use or under utilise the apps and tools adopted by the organisation.

Most of us are very familiar with remote working since Covid, so why is Change Management and User Training even more important now?

But even with all this newfound expertise, Change Management and User Training are still just as crucial as ever. As biased as I may be, I’d even argue it may be more relevant now than it has been since ‘lockdown 1.0’.

Let me try and explain myself here…

Let’s start with the fact that turnover rates are higher than ever. That means that we’re constantly dealing with new team members who may not be familiar with Microsoft 365, or they may be familiar with it in a different context, workflow, policy scenario from their previous role. Sort of like bad habits. They don’t go away on their own. 

That’s why Change Management and User Training are so essential. By providing effective training sessions, new staff can quickly understand how the organization uses Microsoft 365 and how to be productive in their role, which inevitably leads to a more cohesive and more successful team overall.

New process and new applications adopted by the business… but not always by your staff.

One of the more prevalent issues we’ve seen over the last couple of years is that workflows within businesses are always changing to adapt to the ‘new world’. When new processes are adopted in a business, or new applications are introduced within Microsoft 365, employees may not know how to use them effectively, if at all. 

Detailed Change Management and User Training gives employees a chance to understand and learn the benefits of new apps and how to use them to build business efficiencies, resulting in a more efficient and productive team that’s always ahead of the game.

Increased adoption of Microsoft 365 applications through training is win for everyone.

Possibly the most important point though, is how the increased adoption of applications within Microsoft 365 can help businesses stay ahead of the technology curve. But that requires a culture of continuous learning and an openness to embracing new tools and processes. Change Management and User Training is key to fostering this kind of culture. By providing your team with the skills and knowledge they need, businesses can be more agile and adapt to changes more quickly, as well as attracting top talent, retaining their existing talent, and focus on the business of doing business rather than filling gaps and the constant cycle of hiring new staff.

I’ve been consistently impressed by how adaptable people and businesses have been through the last few years, but Change Management and User Training are still just as important as ever in the world of technology skilling and Modern Work. 

With higher turnover rates and constantly evolving workflows, it’s essential that we prioritise training to keep our teams productive and efficient. By embracing new applications and building a culture of continuous learning, you can stay ahead of the technology curve and remain competitive.

About The Author

Dan Polifiore

Dan Polifiore

Dan is IComm's Training & Adoption practice manager, with a wealth and breadth of experience rolling out major change and training projects for some of Australia's biggest companies - both as an employee and an external consultant. Dan is focused on connecting the best of technology with high-performing teams in order to deliver successful digital transformation in a modern world where your people are your key assets. You can connect with Dan on LinkedIn.

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May 16, 2023 | by Dan Polifiore

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