"Change has long been a fearful thing for human beings ... and at the same time, it is our most Divine opportunity. Clinging to the banks of the river may seem safe and more secure, but life's possibilities are truly engaged only when we trust, release and become part of The Flow of the Universe." ~ Chelle Thompson
A couple of weeks ago, I was creating quote images for our social media feeds, and this is one of the quotes I was working on. It's a bit airy fairy, I know. But the phrase "trust, release, and become part of the flow" PERFECTLY sums up the process of innovation. Innovation is a flow: up, down, forward, back, and never ceasing.
As a tech company that emphasizes the importance of embracing change (because if you do NOT, the lightning speed of tech developments will see you extinct with the dinosaurs in no short amount of time), this is a daily struggle for our clients. But you know what? This isn't just for our clients, but us too. We are only human after all, and we believe in change management for tech adoption because we see these issues first hand.
But what of intuition? How do we know the difference between the feelings of fear, and wanting to "cling to the banks of the river," and genuine intuition that maybe we are following the - *gasp* - wrong path of change? I've had many situations in my own life where I've failed to pay attention to my gut instinct, and then had something blow up in my face. (Too many to count!) So.... here's the crux. Intuition vs fear? What is it?
Intuition is defined as "the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning."
With OUT the need for conscious reasoning.
Can we take a minute to appreciate the fact that no large project is undertaken without a CRAZY amount of conscious reasoning? That ALL aspects are taken into consideration (or should be!): ease of use, budget, efficiency, comfort, etc etc. That in these instances, intuition is taken out of the picture, because there HAS been a LOT of conscious reasoning already, by the time it gets to us, the end user... just... not by US.
So what are we left with?
"...life's possibilities are truly engaged only when we trust, release and become part of The Flow of the Universe."
Use your intuition to trust WHO you work with or for. Do you trust your leaders? Do you think they'd put in whatever they can to make your work life better, easier, and more fun? No? Then I posit maybe you are not in the right place. Yes? Then trust the process. If you trust them, trust the process.
At the end of the day, I can't tell you what your intuition sounds like or feels like, to you. What I can tell you is that change is good, it's necessary, it's growth. And yes, it's uncomfortable.
Because yes. YOU. MIGHT. FAIL.
And that's OK. Innovation is NEVER EVER without failure. It's not possible. The process itself DEMANDS it.
But..... If you use this one powerful question to help you sort it all out:

You should be right, mate.