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agilify: Coordinate the Essential Components of Your Business

April 11, 2019 | by IComm Australia


Written by Michael Greaves, Designer & Builder

All things considered, we’ve been doing pretty well here in Australia. We adapt to change fairly rapidly and are quick to adopt new technologies and new ways of thinking. But there’s one key element missing from the way we do things: coordination.

Here, I’m talking about coordinating the essential components that make up a business, which are the people, the space and the technology. Everyone who works, whether we’re digging a hole or operating on someone’s brain, are people using technology in a space. Take away any of these essentials, and nothing gets done.  Although we might intuitively understand that people, space and technology are the fundamental components of work, we rarely take the time to consider the interdependence of these components. When we make a change to any of these elements, there’s a direct impact on the performance of others that often creates the need for additional change. For example:

  • Change the technology, and the people will need to be taught how to use it; the space will most likely also need to change to accommodate the new functionality.
  • Make a change to the people, and the space and technology will need to change to accommodate their requirements.
  • Any change to the space will necessitate changes being made to the technology, as well as change management for the staff.

All too often, we have a tendency to make changes first and rely on the human capacity to adapt to them. It’s true that adaptation seems to be hard-wired into human beings, but we can do much better than simply relying on our evolutionary programming. After all, even if you can trust your staff to react and adapt when change occurs, relying on the reaction rather than planning ahead is a lost opportunity to ensure that the change has a positive influence beyond the initial effects, improving the business as a whole.

That’s why we’ve been working on a new and better way of doing things. Starting from an understanding of the interdependence between people, space and technology in working life, we’ve designed a process that not only manages change, but actually takes advantage of it—allowing us to deliver significantly more positive results.

Read the rest of Michael Greave’s original post on the agilify blog here.

Read more about Michael and his expertise in design and workspace.

About The Author

IComm Australia

IComm Australia

IComm Australia is a leader in Unified Communications. A Gold Partner with Microsoft, Telstra, Poly, & Jabra, we excel at INTEGRATION between the various ecosystems within the Unified Comms/Microsoft world. We are passionate about enabling organisations to look to the FUTURE and adapt to The Modern Workplace. Follow us on: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram

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April 11, 2019 | by IComm Australia

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