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agilify Collective

March 12, 2019 | by Justin O'Meara

Making successful change to your workplace with agilify

The process of changing a workplace can be stressful, time consuming, and costly, and if it is not properly planned and thought out it might not even end up being successful.

IComm has engage in a collective partnership with agilify to help businesses make the process of change management in their workplace as stress free, and successful, as possible.


Who is agilify?

agilify is a collective for transforming a business. It can mitigate the stress, distraction and costs by providing a unified expert approach to a change solution that is tailored for each individual business. agilify aims to enable organisations to create a positive experience by considering the importance of the people, the space and the technology in a holistic strategy when looking at new ways of working.

Through early engagement with agilify, organisations can consider these three aspects at the start of a change management project, so that people, space and technology can be included in an integrated approach and solution.



Common pain points

Some common issues organisations may have when undergoing a workplace change include assumptions being made about what staff want or need, without actually consulting with them about it.

Another issue can arise when the business or the senior leaders assume that introducing new technology or changing the workspace has little or no impact on staff and that they will simply jump on board. But for your staff to accept a change in the business (that will affect them, don’t think otherwise), they need to fully understand what the change is. Any change typically requires a shift in mindset and behaviours to fully optimise the business benefits and promote adoption, meaning your staff need to be on board.

Whenever you have change in a business you will always have pain points to some degree - the greater the change the more potential for pain points to surface.

Typically organisations that are “change ready” or “change fit” will feel less pain, as well as those organisations whose leaders have won over their staff and ensured the change will yield positive outcomes. But without a unified approach to dealing with each of the aspects of the workplace (people, space and technology), the pain will be unavoidable.


How agilify can help

The change management approach considers the potential impacts to technology, employees, processes and external customers. It also draws on a range of disciplines to really uncover what’s going on with human behaviour, and the future of work, including new ways to collaborate.

Getting people engaged and energised about the change, as well as explaining the why behind the change is crucial to getting staff on board. Along with this, by creating a positive employee experience it will help build an environment of transparency and trust in the workplace.

agilify understands the relationship of technology with people and space. People need to know how to use the new technology and leaders need to model the use of it. We know when change is introduced - any type of change - there is a dip in productivity and performance as people are adapting and learning new ways, so it is important for staff to have the support they need during this time.

When these three areas of people, space and technology work closely together, we will develop a change approach that is designed to minimise this dip so people are more engaged, adopt faster, and are really prepared and energised for the changes ahead.


Survive Change With Your Sanity Intact

Learn more about agilify, the people behind it, and why Rob thinks it will get YOU better outcomes.

About The Author

Justin O'Meara

Justin O'Meara

Justin is a skilled Technical Consultant and Lead Design Engineer with expertise in unified communications spanning over 15 years. He is passionate about digging deep into an organisation’s communications challenges and delivering effective pre-sales consultation, design & architecture, and deployment strategies to achieve a seamless integration of compelling solutions. As a senior member within IComm’s executive team, his position is the Head of Technical Pre-Sales and Lead Design Engineer. His close relationships with our clients’ and their IT teams are paramount in ensuring that ongoing consultancy, adoption strategies, and support services are executed at all times. Connect with Justin on LinkedIn.

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March 12, 2019 | by Justin O'Meara

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