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Organisational Change Starts With The Executive Layer


  • Low business productivity
  • Low employee satisfaction
  • Lack of manager & end user engagement
  • Low technology purchase ROI


Numbers don’t lie – these are serious challenges:

  • As per Gallum Report, 70% of all change initiatives FAIL
  • 55% due to lack of management engagement
  • 30% due to end users lack of engagement

Ideal Solution

  • All users embracing the tech as intended
  • Users daily work flows are changing and are more effective and efficient
  • Happier workforce equals happier customers


Needed because:

  • Change is constant in new ways of working
  • This is permanent, not a passing phase
  • We help clients be resilient to change

Desired Outcomes

“The entire team is dedicated to ensuring the solution is fit for purpose and more so the change management component is given priority. By utilising their well-curated Halcyon methodology, we have so far managed to achieve wonderful results in the project and it’s only going to get better from here on.”

~ Wilfred, Development Victoria

Proof is in the pudding:

  • 33% reduction in emails
  • 23% HIGHER customer satisfaction levels
  • 60% more uptake in unified comms use

Engage WITH the Executive Sponsor(s) to Set the AGENDA for CHANGE

Executive Briefing

Get the Foundation Right

  • Determine and agree on “Why”
  • Support provided
  • Role modeling
  • Success criteria

Management Briefing

Communicate the Change Appropriately

  • Getting Buy-In on the “Why”
  • Support provided
  • Open Feedback Channels
  • Expectations/Behaviours

End User Briefing

Onboarding Process to Ensure Adoption

  • Getting Further Buy-In on the “Why”
  • Support provided, including training
  • Encouragement, Empathy

“The Executive Engagement was critical to the success of the project.”

~ Dean Mills, Anglicare

IComm EXECUTIVE ENGAGEMENT + Microsoft Teams/Skype For Business

Getting the best ROI from Microsoft Teams/Skype For Business Journey Requires Executive Engagement. This engagement sets the foundation for all management and staff to embrace the change and adopt Microsoft Teams/Skype For Business.


Solution Alignment

IComm Executive Engagement = Increased Business Productivity

Increased Management and User Engagement THROUGH Executive Engagement results in higher levels of productivity across the organization.

IComm Executive Engagement = Increased Employee Satisfaction

Executive Engagement ATTRACTS NEW TALENT and results in LESS STAFF TURNOVER.

IComm Executive Engagement = Increased Technology ROI

Executive Engagement increases adoption and consumption which results in higher Return On Investment.

“The feedback we’ve had from staff around this new solution has been fantastic. The way we measure that is around adoption. So we actually see the number of increased calls, the number of chat messages, the number of group collaboration sessions, they increased significantly.”

~ Martin Longley, MYOB

“The training exceeded our expectations in every way. Everything we wanted covered off was covered off and covered off well. Not only was Libby professional and very well versed on the product, she was very personable.  We will definitely get her back next year.”

~ Steve Timmerman, PHNSEM

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